Monday, November 24, 2008


With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought I would take a second and reflect about what I am thankful for. I must admit Thanksgiving has always been my least favorite holiday. I always looked as it as great I am going to have to cook and any one that knows me knows that me and cooking do not mix.This past weekend however has changed my mind. My sixteen year old niece was in a car accident on Sunday while on her way to my mother's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily she is okay. She does have two black eyes and a swollen forehead, but the most important thing she is going to be fine. This past weekend has really taught me to be thankful again. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I know we fight, and I know we have are ups and downs, but that is what people do. Also I wanted to say I thankful for all my sister's friends and my nieces friends as soon as they found out what had happened they were all their there for support and prayers. Last but not least I am thankful for my wonderful husband and kids. My husband never stops amazing me.Alec and Meia you are little sunshines that always brighten my day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

I am feeling a little better since this weekend. I still do not feel up to my old self yet, but I will get there. I am sorry if my last post offended or hurt anyone's feelings. I felt like I was drowning inside myself and I did not want to even scream for help. The only release I felt like I had was to write about it. Well for what it is worth I am sorry anyone was hurt by it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Feeling Low

For the last couple of days I felt every emotion I think possible. I go from one extreme to the other, even crying a little on Saturday. I am just emotionally drained at this point and I need a break for myself.I feel like everyone wants something from me right now and they forget that I am just one person.I even tried to lean on someone over the weekend about a letter I received and the conversation was abruptly ended.People forget that when they voice problems on me there is at least three other people waiting to do the same thing to me when they hang up with me.I am not saying I mind, but sometimes I need a break. Also when there is something wrong in the family and it is kept from me intentionally or unintentionally it hurts my feelings.Oh there is also my birthday that is bothering me. Several people did not show had absolutely no reason to not come. I did a lot for these people and it really hurt my feelings that they would not show up. This does not include one person whose family member was ill... she had a very good reason for not showing up. The point of this post is because I am hurt. I know everyone cares a lot for me, but right now I just feel taken advantage of. I need a break and some time for myself. I would greatly appreciate it if people would give me some time for myself.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sweet 16

Happy Sweet 16 Britt. I can't believe your going to be sixteen on Wednesday. It seem like yesterday you were just a little girl. I wish there was a stop button somewhere so that we could stop you from getting any older. I know sometimes we may treat you like a little kid, but it is only because we love you and we don't want to believe that you are growing up. I am so proud of the person you are. You are such a special person to me. I sometimes feel like you are my daughter as well. I would do anything for you. Have a great 16th birthday .
Love Your Aunt Ashley

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lazy Day

Today I am being lazy and it is so great! It is 2:20 and I am still in my pajamas and my hair is a mess. I would take a picture and post it, but it may scare you too much. The only productive thing I have done today is make breakfast and finish reading my book. The book was called The Secret Wife of King George IV. It was such a good book I could not put it down. Luckily for the kids, Phoun saw this and stepped in to make the kids lunch. Once I finished the book me, Meia, and Alec played Disney bingo. Next on the list movie time and whatever else we can think of that does not involve me getting out of my pajamas:).