Saturday, January 31, 2009

Welcome Teagan James Brewer!

Mr. Teagan was born January 30 at 1:00. He weighed in at 8lbs7ozs, and was 20 in long. I think he is the cutest the baby I have ever seen. Both mom and baby are going great!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

New Edition Coming Friday!

My Best friend is having her baby on Friday via c-section. This is her first baby so it is very exciting. I am so happy for her. I wish her nothing but the happiest of memories to come. Stay tuned for pictures for pictures of the most handsome little boy tomorrow!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Me and Alec have been reading the book Inkheart lately so that we can see the movie this weekend. I finished the book last night, and Alec is almost done. He probably would have been done before me, but he take a break on the weekends to play video games. If the movie is as good as the book I think it will be a cute kids movie. We did not read the Harry Potter books before we went to go see the movie so I thought it was important to read the book this time. I am really trying to get the kids more involved with reading. It is easy to get Alec to read more, but I struggle with Meia. She is okay with me reading to her, but when I try to get her to read to me it is another story. I was a lot like her when I was young. I hated reading, and god forbid the teacher call on me to read aloud. I love to read now, so maybe she will eventually. This book is a series just in case anyone is interested in getting it for their kids.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Back in Town !

I got back from Virginia on Sunday night around 4:00. It seemed to take us a lot less time to get back than it did to get there thankfully because I was exhausted. I think we went to bed at 7:45 Sunday night. It was really nice seeing everyone in Virginia. I forget how much I miss and wish that they lived closer to here. Harry talks about going to college at LSU, and if that is what he wants I wish him the best. Monday night I went back to work. Tuesday night I also had to work, and it just may have been the worst night I have had in awhile. I got to deal with all kinds of issue and even got to wrestle a combative pt in bed along with three other nurses.Why is it always the 80 year old patients that weigh so little that fight the best? I have yet to unpack from our trip, and now I have to take Meia to gymnastics. After gymnastics I have to get groceries, put them up, bath Meia, do homework, clean the house, maybe unpack, and sleep. Right now it is about 4:00pm. Thursday I work again. Is there every going to be a light at the end of my tunnel? Well I have to go.

P.S Sorry if I mispelled anything or if my grammer is messed up. I put this together fast. My to do list is a little long :).