Monday, October 20, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I have been tagged so I guess I have to make up seven interesting fact about myself...thanks to my sister.
1.I can breath fire and not get burned.
2. I once rode a 7 ton elephant.
3.I am a real life lion tamer.
4.I chain smoke a carton a day.
5. I am a going to be a female escort when I grow up.
6.I can stick my whole fist in my mouth.
7.I have a secret identity.
Ok, I will cut the crap no of this is true or is it!
Seven Fact about me.
1.I have always wanted to worked at sea world with the killer whales and be a marine biologist even though I am terrified of the ocean.
2.I did ride a elephant when I was little, but I don't know how much it weighed.
3Like my sister I also altered my birth certificate when I was fifteen so I could work at McDonalds, but my reason was different. I had Alec and Phoun was doing his Basic training.
4.I have 7 brothers and sisters. Let me break down the math for everyone. One "full" sister, one step sister, three half brothers, and two half sisters.The youngest of my sisters is a month younger than my son Alec...what a family.I no it sounds like a crazy family, but we're not. I love all my sisters and brothers and even though I put on here my full, step or half I love them all the same.
5.I am very shy at times. Sometimes when I get around a group of people I find myself shying away or closing off, even with my closest friends from childhood. I think this is because I had Alec at such a young age that I sometime forget how to interact with people and I get nervous. You can even tell on me when this happens. If you look at my neck I get real red and splotchy.
6. My favorite color is green.
7. I love historical fiction books. Philippa Gregory is my favorite author.


Melissa said...

I am very shy too. I find myself doing the very same things that you described :0)

MADDIE said...

I didn't know you wanted to be a marine biologist....there is still time!! :)