Sunday, November 16, 2008

Feeling Low

For the last couple of days I felt every emotion I think possible. I go from one extreme to the other, even crying a little on Saturday. I am just emotionally drained at this point and I need a break for myself.I feel like everyone wants something from me right now and they forget that I am just one person.I even tried to lean on someone over the weekend about a letter I received and the conversation was abruptly ended.People forget that when they voice problems on me there is at least three other people waiting to do the same thing to me when they hang up with me.I am not saying I mind, but sometimes I need a break. Also when there is something wrong in the family and it is kept from me intentionally or unintentionally it hurts my feelings.Oh there is also my birthday that is bothering me. Several people did not show had absolutely no reason to not come. I did a lot for these people and it really hurt my feelings that they would not show up. This does not include one person whose family member was ill... she had a very good reason for not showing up. The point of this post is because I am hurt. I know everyone cares a lot for me, but right now I just feel taken advantage of. I need a break and some time for myself. I would greatly appreciate it if people would give me some time for myself.


MADDIE said...

I am sorry you had such a rough weekend and sorry if I was to blame in any of it. I was overwhelmed this weekend and never meant for it to appear that I don't care about you. Please forgive me!

Kim said...

I am so sorry if that's how you saw my absence. I adore you girl - don't ever think that. I just hadn't seen my husband in a few days because we have been so busy with work. I loves ya and hope you had an amazing birthday! You can always call me if you want to vent or just talk.

The Three Of Us said...

I feel your pain! I wish I had some wise old words of wisdom...but I don' just know are loved...and it's okay to say no....and it's okay to ask for's okay to cry...and remember...All you can all you can do...end of story...I have to remind myself of this all the time...Take Care!