Monday, November 24, 2008


With Thanksgiving right around the corner I thought I would take a second and reflect about what I am thankful for. I must admit Thanksgiving has always been my least favorite holiday. I always looked as it as great I am going to have to cook and any one that knows me knows that me and cooking do not mix.This past weekend however has changed my mind. My sixteen year old niece was in a car accident on Sunday while on her way to my mother's house for Thanksgiving dinner. Luckily she is okay. She does have two black eyes and a swollen forehead, but the most important thing she is going to be fine. This past weekend has really taught me to be thankful again. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family. I know we fight, and I know we have are ups and downs, but that is what people do. Also I wanted to say I thankful for all my sister's friends and my nieces friends as soon as they found out what had happened they were all their there for support and prayers. Last but not least I am thankful for my wonderful husband and kids. My husband never stops amazing me.Alec and Meia you are little sunshines that always brighten my day.


Suzanne said...

Uh oh! Someone is getting their mojo back! LOL! I'm sorry to hear about your niece but glad to hear that she is okay for the most part. Hope you're having a good day! :P

Angie said...

You are right...we all are so thankful that Britt is okay! Things like that tend to put things right into perspective for me. and cooking don't mix's like oil and water :).

Melissa said...

Happy Thanksgiving Ashley!

p.s. I don't cook either.......that's why God gave me a chef for husband......I'll put that on my thankful list too :0)

Stacy's Life Stories said...

Oh, how sweet! I was finally able to pull it up, yeah, aren't you proud of me?