Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Me and Alec have been reading the book Inkheart lately so that we can see the movie this weekend. I finished the book last night, and Alec is almost done. He probably would have been done before me, but he take a break on the weekends to play video games. If the movie is as good as the book I think it will be a cute kids movie. We did not read the Harry Potter books before we went to go see the movie so I thought it was important to read the book this time. I am really trying to get the kids more involved with reading. It is easy to get Alec to read more, but I struggle with Meia. She is okay with me reading to her, but when I try to get her to read to me it is another story. I was a lot like her when I was young. I hated reading, and god forbid the teacher call on me to read aloud. I love to read now, so maybe she will eventually. This book is a series just in case anyone is interested in getting it for their kids.

1 comment:

MADDIE said...

I am renaming you as the "bookworm family"!